Saturday, December 10, 2016

Cultural Enrichment: My time at the Camp Roanoke RA Confrence

Earlier in November, the Richard Bland Collge office of Residence Life Team decided to take 6 RA's to an overnight conference at Roanoke College. This was an all expense paid trip for me also including free meals and a beautiful hotel to stay in. The whole purpose of the conference is to allow other RA's to connect with the other RA's at colleges statewide (VA).

At the conference, 3 schools really stood out to me and they were: Norfolk State University, Virginia Commonwealth University, and Old Dominion University. From the time these 3 colleges walked in I knew that I would potentially be the school I decide to transfer too. They all were so nice and really treated me like family. However on the day od the conference I decided that I would be attending...... ODU. The RA's at the college really treated me like they knew me for years and they also made me feel very welcomed and I am glad that I met the ODU residence life student staff.

At the conference, I tried a lot of new things. From eating new foods and snacks to shooting funny videos with RBC RA team. The RA Conference reality allowed me to step out of my comfort zone. I would have never imagined me stepping out of my zone and talking to literally every school in the state of VA. It was a really a great day. I even started my first bonfire by myself despite a couple burns and bruises along the journey. Life is all about trying new things and meeting people to me and the conference really allowed to accomplish both of those things. I am excited about attending the conference again in the fall of next year with ODU this time lol.

Image result for camp roanoke ra conference

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